How Does Premium Financing Benefit Brokers?

Brokers are constantly searching for ways in which to increase their volume and to close more polices.

Premium financing as outlined in the previous pages is a way for an Insured to break up payments into monthly segments for many types of policies that they were unable to do so for before.

For example, many Doctors and Chiropractors may choose to pay their premiums in installments rather than pay their premiums up front.People who operate airplanes, helicopters, and or premium automobiles also may benefit from this type of financing.

Brokers can now offer a wider variety of options to their clients, and thus close more deals. Rate Flex is a cloud based, secure system in which Brokers can submit applications for their clients all within one system. There is no need for software or hardware to be purchased nor is there anything to install.

Insureds that use Premium Financing can use the remaining capital that would have gone toward the full premium to generate revenue, or into other forms of investments.

Premium Financing is a huge benefit for Brokers when used to close more deals. Rate Flex helps Brokers obtain premium financing within one simple to use system. There is no charge for Brokers to use Rate Flex.